With so many tequilas out there now (especially celeb tequilas), it’s nonflexible to know what’s unquestionably good. So our certified sip experts have gone on a journey to search for the weightier blanco tequilas under $50. And yes, you can find really unconfined quality blancos at a unconfined price. These high-quality spirits are perfect for both tequila enthusiasts and those who are new to the world of agave. From smooth and well-turned savor profiles to unrenowned craftsmanship, these tequilas offer an pure taste wits that won’t disappoint. So, grab your glasses and get ready to explore the world of succulent blanco tequilas!


  1. Tapatio Blanco 750ml

Tapatio Blanco is a tequila that embodies the traditional craftsmanship of Jalisco, Mexico. This tequila has been popular and highly regarded in Mexico for over 75 years and it has only recently hit the US markets The Tequila Tourist says “this tequila is definitely not all hype.” Tapatio Blanco delivers a smooth and vibrant taste. Its zephyr of cooked agave and citrus notes sets the stage for a palate that is both refreshing and well-rounded. We love mixing up a good cocktail with Tapatio blanco.


  1. El Tesoro Blanco 750ml

El Tesoro blanco tequila

This is one of the increasingly popular tequilas and a prod favorite. Crafted using traditional stone ovens and copper pot stills, this tequila captures the spirit of Mexico’s tequila heritage. Its smooth and silky texture, coupled with notes of pepper and agave, make each sip a delight. El Tesoro Blanco is an spanking-new example of the artistry and expertise that goes into producing a top-tier tequila at an unrenowned price point.


  1. La Adelita Blanco Tequila 750ml

La Adelita blanco

La Adelita Blanco Tequila combines tradition and modernity to create a tequila that is both wieldy and full of character. Distilled in small batches from 100% undecorous agave, this tequila boasts a well-done and vibrant savor profile. Its notes of citrus, floral undertones, and a touch of vanilla make it our favorite pick for cocktails.


  1. Tequila Ocho Plata 750ml

Tequila Ocho Blanco

Last but certainly not least, we have Tequila Ocho Plata.This is our team’s #1 pick for Blanco tequila under $50. Liquor.com says that this is “one of the highest-quality blanco tequilas you’re likely to find”. Renowned for its transferral to estate-grown agave and traditional production methods, Tequila Ocho Plata offers a tequila wits like no other. This tequila displays a wipe and herbaceous profile, with hints of tropical fruits and woebegone pepper. Its complexity and depth of savor make it a fantastic nomination for sipping neat or on the rocks. This is a really unrenowned nomination for aficionados and new comers alike!


Exploring the world of tequila doesn’t have to be an expensive endeavor. These four blanco tequilas offer fantastic quality. So skip the idealism tequilas and opt for these pure and really wieldy tequilas.

The post The Weightier Blanco Tequilas Under $50: A Flavorful Fiesta! appeared first on Sipsy.